Here are some verses I have found personally challenging that inspire me to keep growing as a preacher.
Scripture: Acts 9:22 says “Saul’s preaching became more and more powerful…”
Question: Are my preaching skills getting sharper or duller?
Scripture: One time when Paul finished preaching in the synagogue at Antioch in Pisidia the people begged him to come and speak to them again the following week (see Acts 13:42).
Question: Are people begging to hear me speak?
Scripture: Acts 13:44 says, “The following week almost the entire city turned out to hear them preach the word of the Lord.”
Question: Does my preacher draw out large crowds of people?
Scripture: When people heard Paul’s message “…they were very glad and thanked the Lord for his message…” (Acts 13:48)
Questions: Are people happy and thankful to hear my preaching?
Scripture: After listening to Paul’s sermon “…all who were chosen for eternal life became believers” (Acts 13:48).
Questions: Are my sermons turning people to Jesus?
Why were people begging to hear Paul preach? Why did his preaching draw out large crowds of people? Why were people happy to listen to his sermons? Why did people thank God for his preaching? It’s because he worked hard to become a better preacher.
Helpful Resources
- To check out some audio resources that I’ve purchased that have helped me grow as a preacher, click here.
- To check out a preaching magazine I subscribe to click here.
- To check out what book I’m currently reading on preaching click here.