I once learned in a leadership resource (by TD Jakes) that good staff bring solutions, not problems. I thought this was such good advice that I've been teaching it to my staff ever since I first heard it. In fact, at the church office I have a sign on the wall near the door of my office that says "Bring Solutions, Not Problems." Here's some things I encourage my staff to do that helps them be people who bring solutions, not problems. I encourage them to pray. James 1:5 says that God will … [Read more...]
Motivation in Managing
Today I want to share one of the main lessons I learned from the book It's Okay to be the Boss by Bruce Tulgan. The job of managing is two-fold. One part relates to holding the person accountable to do their job and the other relates to helping the person succeed in their work. I think most managers focus too much on the "holding the employee accountable" part and not enough on the "helping the person succeed" part. If you've hired the right person, you shouldn't have to do too much of the … [Read more...]
A Biblical Basis for Professional Development
I dedicate a good chunk of time each week to professional development. Here's eleven reasons why: Proverbs 2:3 says "cry out for insight and understanding..." Proverbs 4:7 says "Getting wisdom is the most important thing you can do! Proverbs 8:10 says "Choose instruction rather than silver, and knowledge over pure gold. For wisdom is far more valuable than rubies. Proverbs 12:15 says "Fools think they need no advice, but the wise listen to others. Proverbs 13:10 says "...those who … [Read more...]
Micromanagement vs Undermanagement
As leaders, we can't be so afraid of micromanaging that we become guilty of undermanaging. In short, undermanagement is worse than micromanagement. In It's Ok To Be The Boss Bruce Tulgan points out the dangers of undermanagement. When you undermanage: Fires get started that never would have happened Fires get out of control that could have been put out easily Resources are squandered People go in the wrong direction for days or weeks on end before anybody notices Low performers … [Read more...]
Good employers will give their employees riverbanks to operate within. A riverbank is a metaphor for boundaries. A river has a riverbank on each side keeping the water where it needs to be. Without riverbanks, the water would just go everwhere, which would be good for no one. Giving employees riverbanks does two very beneficial things: It keeps them moving in the right direction, giving them focus. It allows them to use their unique personality and God-given talents to get the job done, … [Read more...]
Delegation vs Abdication
I like Bruce Tulgan's take on delegation in his book It's Okay to be the Boss: "Some managers make the mistake of thinking that delegation is about letting go. Sadly, delegation is not at all about letting go of work. Delegation is all about getting work done through others - and that is an intense, hands-on endeavor." Leadership by abdication is telling an employee or volunteer what to do, but then disappearing into the sunset, never to be seen again. This is not responsible … [Read more...]