When someone writes a check or makes a donation that hits or exceeds $1,000 I always write a handwritten thank you note. I always have custom New Day thank you cards ready in my drawer for just such occasions. Someone recently sent a check in for $4,000. Here’s what I wrote in the note I sent them:
Thank you so much for your recent gift of $4,000. We are launching a new tween ministry and this money will really help with the associated start up costs. So far in the first half of 2014 (compared with the first half of 2013) we’ve seen a 23% increase in total attendance, 15% increase in first time guests, 42% increase in salvations and a 14% increase in water baptisms. Thanks for helping fund God’s work at New Day!
Someone else recently sent a check in for $2,500. Here’s what I wrote in the note I sent them:
I just wanted to write and say a big thank you for your recent gift of $2,500. In the first half of this year compared to the first half of last year we’ve seen a 14% increase in water baptisms, a 15% increase in first time guests, a 23% increase in total attendance and a 42% increase in salvations. Thanks for contributing to our success in making disciples!!!
I always try to connect the dots between their giving and people getting saved. People are looking for ways to support biblical life change and it’s your job to show them that this is happening at your church. If you do, there will be no shortage of thank you notes to write!