Don’t focus on getting bigger. Focus on getting better. If you focus on getting better, you’ll get bigger. Here’s four questions we constantly ask ourselves at New Day about everything we do:
- What went right?
- What went wrong?
- What was missing?
- What was confusing?
We ask this after each Sunday and after every special event (i.e. after a baby dedication, a water baptism, a volunteer appreciation dinner, etc). It’s by asking these questions that you figure out how to do it better next time around. And again – when you get better, you’ll get bigger. If you aren’t already asking these questions, why not begin this Sunday. Your Sunday services are the most important of all things to begin evaluating. If you’re not doing this yet, don’t worry about evaluating anything else.
By asking these questions you won’t see drastic improvements from week to week, but you sure will from year to year. Each week you’ll take one or two steps towards where you want to be as a church. Those many, many small steps, really add up in time.
Ok, one more time…If you want to get bigger, focus on getting better. When you get better, you get bigger.