RWMC stands for Right, Wrong, Missing Confusing. Every Sunday I have a “note” on my iPhone that has these four words listed. My phone is always in my back pocket and as I notice things, I write them down.
- Right: worship team killed it, new video went over really well, we had 5 salvations, we had 3 new volunteers sign up for setup
- Wrong: the mic wasn’t on when I started talking, the service went past 65 minutes, I asked a man if the woman with him was his mom and it turned out she was his girlfriend…whoops!
- Missing: there weren’t enough worship guides for each guest, we ran out of breath mints for the greeters, we missed the in between service huddle between first and second service
- Confusing: we announced a church picnic but didn’t say where, I forgot to read the Scripture that went with point #2, our signage wasn’t in the right place and a first time guest didn’t know where to go
Everyone on staff takes similar notes and then on Monday morning we have all-staff meeting and each person shares what’s on their RWMC list. We ask “What went right?” and then each person shares. We do this with each question. One person is selected each week to take notes. We celebrate what went right and then put someone’s initials next to whatever is listed under “wrong, missing, confusing.” The person who’s initials are listed next to a certain item is responsible to fix that thing before next Sunday.
This really helps us take small steps each week at getting better. And as they say “Don’t focus on getting bigger. Focus on getting better. When you get better you’ll get bigger.”