I only make an appointment with my doctor when something is wrong.
- If I have an ear ache I make an appointment.
- If I grow a lump on my leg I make an appointment.
- If I’m sick and can’t shake it I make an appointment.
But if everything is good with my health, it never crosses my mind to speak with my doctor.
- I don’t call to chat on the phone.
- I don’t swing by the office with a coffee to catch up.
- I don’t send texts or emails.
Sometimes I have a tendency to interact with God as though he were my doctor when what I believe God wants is for me to interact with him as my best friend. Just as we are in constant communication with our best friend, so God wants us to be in constant communication with him (hence 1 Thess 5:17, pray without ceasing). A fair weather friend is someone who only gets in touch when they need something. I don’t want to be that way with God!